+2310 58 07 07

Product returns

Returns & changes policy.

Order cancellation

In case you wish to cancel your order and if the product has not been shipped, you should contact customer service at 2310 58 07 07 or e-mail info@yakinthi.gr. In case your order has been shipped, you can return it with any courier at your own expense.

Return of Product & Money

You have the right to return within 10 calendar days, the product you received, after contact and justifying the reason for its return. The returned product should be in the original and excellent condition that you received it. If the above conditions are not met, then the product will be returned to you at your own expense.

Returns are not accepted for Baptism items (candles, boxes or bags, christening clothes to order (including the numbers 9-12 months and 24-36 months or special modifications) due to the fact that the specific products are manufactured and shipped upon order.

To return a product, you must call 2310580707 to arrange a consultation with the store. The details and the return address of the product are:
Υακίνθη Γάμος Βάπτιση
G. Papanikolaou 44 Av
Πεύκα – ΤΚ 57010
Tlel 2310580707

Refunds are made within 14 calendar days from the date we receive and check the product. The refund is made by depositing the amount into an account that you indicate to us. Shipping, return and cash on delivery costs are not included in the refund. Regardless of whether there was free shipping, the customer is charged the cost of the first shipment as well. Products that are on offer 30% or more are non-refundable. 

Right of Replacement within 14 days

Because we want you to be completely happy with your purchase, in case something you do not like or do not do you have the right to request the replacement of the product in another number and / or in another color. For the replacement process, the maximum return period is up to fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt.

In order for the replacement to take place, the following actions must be performed within 14 days:

Deliver the product with all the necessary information so that the return of the product can be accepted, but at the same time a possible change in color / number or other item can be made. In case the replacement is not possible due to the unavailability of the requested product, we will contact you to offer you alternative solutions.

The product you will return must not have been used and must be in its original packaging.
The shipping of the new product will take place in a period equal to the shipping time of the original.
Return and shipping costs are borne by the customer.



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