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Personal Data And Transaction Security


During the use of the yakinthi.gr website by a user it is possible to collect personal data (eg IP addresses, country of navigation, e-mail address, etc.). This personal data is used, based on law 2472/97 and the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection of the EU. (GDPR, 2016/679), exclusively for the provision of personalized services and the export of statistics.

Personal data is not transmitted to third parties. However, it is possible for us to use them only in the Google Analytics service. Google Analytics aims to record the traffic (web traffic) of our website as well as to extract useful statistics (eg demographics).

Through the use of the site the user automatically gives his consent for the storage and processing of his personal data from the website yakinthi.gr. However, he has the right to recover any information he has given us (right of access no. 12 Law 2472/97 and no. 15 EU 2016/679) and to object at any time to the processing of data concerning him (right of objection no. 13 Law 2472/97 and No. 18 EU 2016/679). This is done through a written or oral request to the email address info@yakinthi.gr και στο τηλέφωνο +30 2310580707.

It should also be noted that the website yakinthi.gr. does not store sensitive personal data relating to users's money transactions with it (eg credit / debit card numbers and CVCs).


Access to the systems (web servers) of the online store yakinthi.gr is controlled by a firewall system. The firewall allows the use of specific services by customers / users while prohibiting access to systems and databases with confidential data and information of the company.


For even greater security in your transactions, if there is no activity on your part for thirty (30) minutes, there is an automatic disconnection from the members area of the online store yakinthi.gr.


To ensure confidentiality we use an encryption protocol. Encryption is a way of encrypting any digital information until it reaches its intended recipient. The recipient can then decode it using a suitable key. When ordering and if the user / customer has logged in with the User Name and his Personal Code in the online store, all communication between his computer and the website systems is encrypted. Commonly, every time you send information to the system, your browser first encrypts it using a key and then sends it.

All card payments are processed through Alpha Bank's "Alpha e-Commerce" electronic payment platform and use TLS 1.2 encryption with 128-bit encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer - SSL). Encryption is a way of encrypting information until it reaches its intended recipient, who will be able to decrypt it using the appropriate key.


This online store makes use of so-called HTTP cookies. Cookies are information in the form of text which are kept by the browser you use. Thanks to cookies, each website gains access to information regarding how the user browses it (eg what is the username and password he entered the first time he visited it, which menu does he click on more often, etc. .). As a result, it can and does offer its visitors personalized services and messages.

Upon entering the online store yakinthi.gr you are invited to accept the use of cookies by us in order to be able to navigate it. You can, however, check or delete the cookies we used at the end of your visit to our online store. Click for more information here.